Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spring Edit or the Lion the Witch and Wardrobe Part Deux

This past weekend I FINALLY, as Eminem puts it, cleaned out my closet. If you all remember this past fall I decided to find a tangible way to edit all of the dresses in my closet and that system really worked! Go me! Now I decided to move on to everything else. Okay so I have 3 drawers of tops, yes 3, full of t-shirts, blouses, fancy shirts, really fancy shirts, etc etc. Yes I know I have a problem and I'm actively trying to recover, anyway so to set up a good editing system I decided to take out all of my tops and put a piece of washi tape on all of the tags. Then in 6 months when I bring out all of my fall/winter clothes again I'll see what I actually did and didn't wear and I'll donate all of the unused clothing.

Also, as I went through my clothes I spent some time trying things on and I filled two bags full of clothes that just didn't fit me anymore. So I'd recommend to not forget to try things on that may not look quite your size anymore. Good luck peeps!

How do you organize or edit your wardrobe? 

Setting out all of my clothes
Trying on this dress to see if it still fits, after 7 years, it does!

These pants, not so much. :/

Marking all of my clothes with washi tape on the tags to show that I haven't worn it.

Also found my puppy dog costume piece, I should totally keep this right??
After marking all of my clothes, I separated my clothes into similar colors, it just helps to quickly pick a top.
Donating 2 big bags of clothes, finally letting go! #RecoveringClothesHoarder

Packed away all of my winter clothes.

 *Loving all of these cute washi tapes.

*Have some designer duds that don't work in your wardrobe anymore? This online consignment store makes it easy to sell your pieces.

*Goop's golden rules for editing your wardrobe. Great tips! 


  1. Yay for washi tape!

    I move often so I end up purging my clothes once every six months. I do end up missing some stuff, but then it just gives me an excuse to be creative and come up with a different outfit :)
    I purge my clothes by going through them, picking out what doesn't fit and tossing what's towards the bottom since I know I haven't worn it in a while.

    1. Isn't that the greatest feeling? Putting together new outfits from your own wardrobe.
