Saturday, September 6, 2014

Everything Comes and Goes

I have spent a lot of time this summer questioning why certain situations happened and even at times feeling very overwhelmed, confused, angry, or hurt. But if this summer has taught me anything it has been two major things: Value every single day the people who you love and love you back because life is very unpredictable. Also no one is going to love you as much as you love yourself and as much as your family does. Even at 27 years old, I’m still being reminded how relationships and friends come and go, and while still so very important, they aren’t everything. Family remains my constant. The family I come from is right where I fit in and feel most like myself, most at home. It’s like you’ve seen everyone go through everything, and they’ve seen you go through it all too and they are still there, with their big smiles across their faces and their arms extended ready to embrace, because that’s family. It’s been a nice reminder for me. I sure love mine.

And I'm so happy to be back in New York, more than I’d like to admit, and wow have I missed it this trip. I love being out west for countless reasons, but it felt really good getting back to the city. (always a relief to feel that way, because sometimes I’m on the fence about living in New York. I guess we all go through stages where the grass looks mighty greener on the other side of the country!) Even though I still feel extremely overwhelmed and am trying to figure many things out, I'm trying to have the mentality that I just have to continue putting one foot in front of the other and allow time to heal all. I hate being a downer over here for you guys but here's hoping for brighter days ahead and thanks for stopping by...more cooking and cat post hopefully to come very soon! ;)

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