Monday, March 10, 2014

Hello I'm an English teacher and I am a recovering bad speller...

Okay so I've been thinking about this lately because I have a confession to make...I can be a horrible speller! What you say? I'm an English teacher you say? Well lately I've been realizing that without my handy dandy spell check on my phone, computer, etc. I can really shrew up some words. I think I'm always rushing to write or type things and not you know...proof read. This was brought to my attention even more when I completely had a brain fade on how to spell the word perseverance and jumbled it up as I wrote it on my white board while teaching my literature class. Embarrassing? Possibly. Then I realized that we all have those moments, you know those brain fart moments. Like, where the heck did I leave my keys...oh they're in my hand! Anyway I thought why not own these kind of moments instead of running away from them? So I proceeded to say "hmm...the word evidence...gee whiz I have no idea how to spell that!" Then my students and I all laughed it off together.

 I mean don't get me wrong whenever I misspell a word I feel like a kitty dies and a boy gets a mullet but I'm just saying it's important to not take moments like these too seriously. I guess I'm writing this because I think it's important to not sweat the small stuff and take ourselves too seriously...which I have a big habit of doing sometimes.

So yes as I write this, I see from time to time little red squiggly lines pop up under my writing and I have to go back and fix them before I publish this thing but I hope that when I look back on my life, I worried more about not sweating the small stuff, moving forward, being a good person, and hey maybe having logged in some time studying a dictionary. ;)

So I'm curious, are there any moments that you have had a hard time owning up to?

+ Some other funny spelling related things...

* Second graders spell check NFL players' tweets.
* More spelling flubs

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