Monday, June 10, 2013

(Vegan) Munchie Monday: Mexican Tofu Tacos

Hola mis amigos. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had the most wonderful time having dinner with a friend at Blossom, a great vegan restaurant in the West Village. I met a oh so fab waiter and we're going on a friend date soon! Lo-ve! Well speaking of vegan food, I made Gwyneth's fish taco recipe and of course veganified it. This is seriously one of my favorites to make especially because all of the toppings are made from scratch. And lets face it we all need to get in touch with our inner Mexican, hardy har har. ;P Enjoy!


half a block of organic firm tofu
1/2 cup (gluten free) multipurpose flour
3 tbsp of coconut oil
1/2 cup spinach
3 tbsp lime juice
sea salt to season
pepper to season
1 whole organic tomato
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/4 cup veganaise
2 ripe avocados
1 bag of tortillas (brown rice ones- for you corn allergy peeps, i.e. me.)
1/4 cup cilantro


1. Sift flour into a bowl, cut tofu lengthwise 5x and width-wise once, put tofu into flour bowl and cover completely.

2. Pour coconut oil into a small pan and place tofu into pan until cooked on both sides (fry for about 2 min on each side)

3. Wash and chop cilantro (only half), tomato, onion (only half), mix together in a bowl, and pour in 1 tbsp of lime juice. Set aside.

4. Cut up avocados, put into bowl. Chop up the other half of the onion, cilantro, and mix together. Pour in 1 tbsp. Set aside.

5. Into a small bowl, pour veganaise, mix in lime juice, and a dash of pepper.

6. Chop up spinach, put in a bowl, pour in 1 tbsp of lime juice. Set aside.

7. Lastly warm up tortillas for about 1 minute in a microwave or warm up in a pan on the stove. Once warm, transfer to a plate, add on two pieces of cooked tofu and desired toppings and enjoy this entire meal made from scratch! #Twerk

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