Monday, January 27, 2014

Winter Closet Purge or the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Part Tres

Two weeks ago I started taking ballet classes again and the morning of class I looked for my leotard, ballet shoes, and cover-up. I found everything else and spent 20 minutes looking for my cover-up, I was going crazy! That's when I realized that I still have too much darn clothes so it was time for a purge! A major one!....again. So far my sticker idea has been really working well but this time around I really wanted to focus on editing out items from my wardrobe that I have silly sentimental value to. Do you all do that? Keep a sweater or shirt because of the memory that's attached to it? Well I do, in a major way. I still have my 6th grade camp shirt! My end goal was to get rid of anything that was slightly too big or too small on me and to get rid of some of those sentimental items that I rarely wear. 

 I separated all of my clothes into sections: workout clothes, work clothes, dresses, etc.

 Then began going through each pile and starting editing some of my sentimental items...tear...

 But then it got hard because Penelope kept stealing away my socks...

 ...and wouldn't get out of my sock basket!

But I finally overcame my #SentimalHoarderSelf and filled up an entire bag of items to donate!
Baby steps...

annnd a whole bag of clothes that I should have gotten rid of years ago! #GoMe!

Also, if you're having a lot of trouble of getting rid of some items {like I did...still do?} my boyfriend suggested that I write down in my journal why I felt so attached to various clothing items and it helped...phew.

Now I can rest easy 'till Spring time! So I was wondering, what are some areas in your home or room that really needs organizing? Or what are some clothes items that you are finding hard to part with?

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