Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I Made Pop-Tarts!

If you're like me you ate a lot of pop-tarts growing up. I came home and just munched on them incessantly while I waited for Ma to be done cooking dinner. Thanks for loading me up on such a healthy snack mom and dad! ;)

Well I wanted to find a gluten-vegan friendly version of them (as I can't eat the regular kind anymore) and these pockets of heaven are actually a lot easier to make than one would think. Here's pics from my bake-fest and the recipe below if you'd like to see! :)


*Pre-made gf dough (such a time saver!)
*Strawberry jam for filling
*1/2 cup of confectioner's sugar
*1/2 tbsp of vanilla extract
*2 Tbsp (soy) milk


1. Roll out the pre-made gf dough and use your favorite cookie cutter to make desired shape.
2. Place a dollop of filling onto the middle.
3. Cut out the next piece and place it over to seal in the jam. Then use a fork to tightly seal and create the edges.
4. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.
5. Let cool. Mix sugar, extract, and milk to create the icing. Once pop-tarts are a little bit cooler spread generously on the top.

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